What is beyond the game? Not just finance, not just entertainment but knowledge. As V.I. Lenin has reminded everyone to "Learn, learn more, learn forever", the imperishable quote has become truth for all time. Thus, Elemon is no exception since Elemoninans must constantly cultivate the latest in-game terminologies to improve their winning probability against rivals in the mythical Elematris world. And, this is also what Elemon desires to head towards in our #3 issue of Weekly Development Updates - Beyond The Game.
At first, we will have a glimpse of partnership aspect. Elemon team is still doing our jobs to bring back high quality collaborations to our project. The latest big names that can be mentioned are BSC station as Media partner, Kiwi group, RADA community, VIC group and MG Trading as strategic partner. The good news is that the list keeps growing on and on.
As for tribute campaigns, let’s take a brief overview. “Say the loving words, earn our rewards” ended on September, 27th and announced the 5 lucky winners with correct answers - 25 product lines. For the airdrop campaign with prizes increased from 280,000 ELMON to 1,111,111 ELMON & ended on September, 28th, please note that Elemon will announce the list of lucky participants on October 5th. If you miss those chances, don’t worry since more epic events will be hosted in the near future.
After the successful tribute week, Elemon has also harvested & magnified our community with nearly 40,000 Twitter followers, approximately 35,000+ global members on Elemon Official Telegram, 63000+ subscribers on Elemon announcement channel & 10,000 steady average views for each post, 23000+ Facebook page followers, nearly 20,000 Facebook page likes, 6000+ Discord members. Of course, Elemon expects that those numbers are just warm-ups before the big day.
The past week also witnessed some updates in our tokenomics and roadmaps due to rapid development and remarkable scale expansion of our project. Therefore, Public sale, Elemon NFT sale launch, Elemon Market Release, NFT Farming will be released in early October, 2021. The rest of the roadmap remains UNCHANGED. All procedures have been carefully prepared & the only remaining step is just waiting for the day to go live. We hope that Elemonians & partners will empathize with our hard decisions to match reality. All of your patience & support will be well-rewarded soon as the big picture becomes clearer.
At last, we have reached the final destination as well as the soul of #3 issue - Beyond the Game. Superficially, while skimming through those lovely characters, you can initially assume that Elemon is an ez game. Nevertheless, when you look deep down inside, it is a totally different story. What our team supplied to gamers last week was a brief overview of Elemon gameplay so that everyone is aware that knowledge is power in our Elematris world - it’s definitely not pure-money or pure-entertaining. It’s a brain game and every decision, every move, every tactic must be calculated thoroughly so as to achieve the final victory like in real life. Here is a list of previous weeks in-game basic knowledge that Elemon provided so far & wants to recall for Elemonians in a logical order - they are “The Making of Elematris world” from scratch; Elemon - The soul of Elematris world; brief intro of 3 Elemons named Mirade, Primedragonaska, Raimaster; 3 ways to own an Elemon; 8 basic stats of an Elemon; Elemon skill - The integral puzzle; Elemon purity; 18 Elemon Elements; 3 game modes: PVE, PVP, World boss; how many Elemons gamers can manage for maximum in a battle; 5 ways to earn money with Elemon. The series of helpful in-game knowledge definitely keeps booming in upcoming time. However, there is still time for Elemonians to re-read & revise all those articles before our beta version will be officially released in this October.
Elemon team still has more to say, but that’s all for the #3 issue of the Weekly Development Updates series - Beyond the game. See you next time, Elemonians!
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