Elemon Testnet Tournament is a gaming competition with superb prize pool for the entire community to freely join in Elemon Game Testnet version & compete with the goal of finding out the ultimate champions.
Not to waste your precious time, here comes the detailed Rules & Prize Pool of Elemon Testnet Tournament. Bring it on, gamers!
🌏 Website: https://game.elemon.io/testnet/
⏰ Tentative time: 8 AM UTC DEC 31, 2021 - 8 AM UTC JAN 07, 2022
‼️ Players will compete in Elemon Testnet Tournament during the above time span.
⏰ JAN 8, 2022: Elemon Testnet Tournament's Winner List Announcement
🌟 2 distinct competing events & the winner list will be determined according to:
🏆 Top 50 Power score
🏆 Top 50 PVP ELO
‼️ The two competing events of Elemon Testnet Tournament are distinct. A player can compete in both categories to earn the prize.
🌟 The Ranking Board will be updated in real-time:
POWER: The Ranking Board will be updated in real-time in Ranking section of the game.
PVP: The Ranking Board will be updated in real-time in PVP Battle section -> Ranking section of the game.
☃️ Who can join:
The entire community without any further conditions
A player can compete in both categories to earn the prize.
🎁 Mega prize pool:
Ingame resources (ELCOIN, EXP skill, EXP stone, Elemon Mystery Box 3)
Cash (USDT)
Top Power's Prize Pool
Top PVP's Prize Pool
Step 1: Clear cache before joining and switch to BSC Testnet network
We suggest using Google Chrome browser and Metamask wallet for a better experience.
Step 2: Get Testnet BNB to use as the fee for Testnet transactions.
- Go to: https://testnet.binance.org/faucet-smart/
- Copy and paste your wallet address in the box
- Click on “Give me BNB”
After the transfer transaction is sent, you will see an increase in your balance
Step 3: Claim Testnet ELMON
- Go to https://faucet.elemon.io and connect your wallet
- Click on“Get Testnet EMLON” and confirm the transaction
Each private wallet can claim 500 Testnet ELMON in the 1st day. For the next days, each can claim 200 Testnet ELMON. This is a totally brand-new Testnet ELMON. The old one cannot be used in this tournament.
Step 4: Go to https://game.elemon.io/testnet/ and start your adventure
‼️ The Testnet ELMON, ELCOIN, NFT cannot be added & transferred among wallets to assure fairness & can only be used in-game.
‼️ The prize will be compiled, then awarded to players based on the achieved rank at the end of the Tournament & within 96 hours after Mainnet release. After 96 hours, if the player does not log in & create character, the prize will be aborted.
‼️ Switching to other wallet addresses to receive rewards is not accepted. In-game prize will be sent to the exact private wallet address that Players uses to compete in the Testnet Tournament. Our team will check your private wallet address in Mainnet version after Player logs in & successfully creates character.
‼️ The ELCOIN reward mechanism will be activated on 9 AM UTC DEC 31, 2021 After 1 hour since mechanism activation, players can receive ELCOIN from AFK chest on 10 AM UTC DEC 31, 2021.
‼️ Other rewards in AFK chest such as EXP, SKILL points are still accumulated normally from the beginning of game opening
During the Testnet process, there may be bugs incurred as we gradually uncover more in-game features. We are open to all comments and opinions so that our team can optimize the game features.
Form to report bugs and comment: https://forms.gle/jrGBdXxb3u7xa4Y8A
A la espera del testnet